Welcome to Where Evil Lurks, the 4th story that continues my Moonlight saga. This story takes us to the past at times as we peek in when Dorothy and Logan were 14 and Clark was 16. As we view the past we’ll see how secrets can paralyze us with their perceived power, even when they don’t have to.
Who is Beth’s biological father? Is he connected to Lani in anyway? The answers unfold in this story as we look into the mind of a deranged guy who thinks he has to avenge an old debt.
What were Dorothy, Logan and Clark like back then? We’ll see their world through their eyes told with all the signs of the time, including the music that moved the world back then. (My time!)
I hope you’ll enjoy this story because this one digs deep but proves that no matter what, family isn’t only about DNA or blood and that all around us people love and care for us. All our faves will be there too: Mick and Beth as they continue to learn about her abilities, Josef and Lani as she struggles with whether or not to marry him and they both acclimate to her pregnancy. Carl and Cami as he finishes his training and gets ready for his turning, Ben and Mick’s relationship as they at last form a strong bond.
Will Mick tell Maeve? Who is the mysterious woman who will start working for Dorothy and Clark? Who catches Luka’s eye? Audrey and Logan having a baby??? You just never know! How will Henry fit into the family?
Hope to see you all there on October 22!
Cast of Characters
The Early Years -

Dorothy and Clark in 1980

Logan at 14

Martin, our man of mystery!
Current Time

Mick and Beth St. John, the couple who started the legend.

Josef and Lani, together at last? Time will tell!

Dorothy and Clark, Beth’s mother and step father. Clark has just been turned.

Carl and Cami, human and vampire. Can they get past difficult, dangerous and complicated?

Logan and Audrey, vampire and human. Fated to be together. The proud parents of Plato and Travis.

Tango, vampire. Long time friend of Josef and brought to LA to lead the Cleaners.

Heroku, one thousand year old vampire. Heroku has many secrets and some of them may help to save Beth.

The Evan’s family, Kevin, Robbi, Brianna and Brian, human. Beth, Lani and Robbi grew up together and are best friends, at least until the secret of Beth’s turning has torn the relationship apart.

Ben, human. Mick’s grandson. Can they build a relationship based on friendship?

Margie, Mick’s love before Coraline entered his life.

Catherine, Ben’s mother and Mick’s daughter. Cat has decided she actually likes Mick, a fact that is a sore point with her son.

Max and Mark, human and friends of Beth’s from her days at the LA Free Press. Mark is a doctor.

Paula and Rodney, Max’s parents. Paula met Mick years ago, at a party that Coraline had. She was supposed to be dinner but Mick ran her off.

Miguel, human. He leads the Legion who work with the vampires in the VALA (Vampire and Legion Alliance) to keep peace among the vamps and humans.

Luka, human. Carl’s partner and recently learned of the existence of vampires.

Henry, a pastor at a homeless shelter. Met Beth when they were held hostage by Shatel.

Franklin, 300 year old vampire who is Josef's faithful friend. Or is that servant? Neither one knows or cares. He is very fond of Lani and Beth.

Rose, one of the Children of the Moon and Beth and Lani's ancestor. She is also a doctor at a local women's shelter and clinic.

Brody, one of the CotM like Rose. He will train Beth on the physical aspect of vampirism she needs to know.

Elka, vampire and a member of the Lakota Sioux nation. She has known Josef since the California gold rush.

Colleen, vampire. A former cleaner she is now finishing school to become a doctor.

Maeve, Mick’s sister.

Thor, human. Josef’s assistant at Kostan Industries. He knows a few secrets of his own.

Tim and Mary, vampires and friends of Mick’s in Seattle. Members of the Cheyenne nation, they were turned in the 1860’s.

Matthew, known in the past as Malcolm, vampire and leader of the Equalizers.

Vixen Duvall, cousin of Coraline and partner to Dakota who is Malcolm's boss.

Dakota, Head of the Equalizers and currently not happy with Malcolm!
And of course!
Our furry kids,

I see all these characters and would LOVE to see all this unfold on the big screen. Maybe someday...
Hey Joangel,
All devoted ML lovers would love to see it back, however. Trevor and Ron Koslow have talked about a continuation of the story but it would be minus Mick and Beth because Alex wouldn't come back. I'd be okay with that - a Josef show would rock and if they threw in some Logan and Carl I'd love it.
Trevor has read some of my stories and enjoys them he says. He could just be flattering me I think. Anyway, he is a great guy. I IM'd with him on FB for about an hour the other night about stuff. I was telling him that I had a lot of followers of my blog who had never watched ML but who were now fans of it. He is frankly a bit embarrassed by all the praise, but we are very appreciative of Mick's daddy.
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